The plan for the day was to leave Grand Marais and ride to Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport via Grand Rapids a total of 375 miles and 6:30 hours drive time. However, with the set backs we had yesterday and staying up late to get our post up, we decided to cut out the bypass and ride directly to MSP, straight though. Changing our mileage to 280 and 4:30 hours due to construction and adding a stop we missed yesterday.

So first stop was the World’s Best Donuts for the absolute best donuts either of us ever tasted. After gorging on donuts and coffee we fantasized about lunch in Moose Lake, we made our way south, between traffic and construction we weren’t making great time and needed a distraction so we stopped at Gooseberry Falls State Park for a walk and pics of the waterfalls. It’s sad that our lands are closed, and they have stay the trail signs everywhere, but when you see the damage left by those folks that have to go where ever they feel inclined, you then realize why those things exist.  

Then it was back on the bike, and pushing traffic through Duluth and all the way south to MSP, with only two fuel stops and arriving at MSP at 4:00 pm to drop Mandi off to catch her flight home. Solo again, I made my way west to Bloomington, MN to the hotel I had booked for the night.

We didn’t eat all day, Mandi got snacks just before boarding her plane, and I needed dinner, but the weather changed from cooler this morning to blazing hot near MSP, and I needed two things before I got dinner.

First, I needed to cool off. Second, I needed to adjust my suspension for less weight, then could go find dinner, lucky for me I found a place right around the corner and walked to dinner, seems I’d walked so much with Mandi that it just made sense.

After eating I walked back to the hotel and called it a day. Apologies for the lack of pics today, but time was of the essence.

Tomorrow, I head for North Dakota don’t cha know?